Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Happy Thanksgiving With The Help of My Students

I want it to be known that I happen to have the most amazing 12th grade class ever. I could tell when I saw the beautiful celebration they organized for teachers' day. They can plan so well together and create anything they put their minds to I swear. It’s so interesting to me because the same students will be together from the first grade till they graduate high school here in Moldova, so they become so close, almost like a family. They know everything about each other and have been through so much together. I guess that's probably what makes them so good at working together.

The reason I am so motivated to speak of them today is because they helped me to re-create a Thanksgiving with them at the school. Each student brought something, and the boys that didn't, gave me a little money for the chicken and macaroni and cheese I made.

One girl made this huge, and fabulous cake, another made the traditional rice and cabbage rolls in grape leaves, and another made their traditional fried "placenta" (plachenta), which is thin bread wrapped around either cabbage, goat cheese or pumpkin and fried. They eat a lot of plachenta in Moldova, fortunately it is very delicious, especially the pumpkin one. Anyway, there was a lot of food and we had a great time, and just like Thanksgiving back home we all stuffed ourselves, just with different types of food. Oh, and one boy brought in Raspberry juice or "compot" which is a traditional conserved juice here, it had tons of raspberries in it, soooo good.

And there was much much more, I mean, just take a look at the pictures and see. They are such sweet kids!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Helping Host Mom

Yeah, thats right, i'm makin moonshine.
No really my host mom is making it, and they call it 'racheu' round these parts.

I did add wood to the fire for a while, it was fun.

A Fun and Delicious Day with the Host Fam

The fam eating the delicious 'roletas' that my host mamma baked. They are baked rolls of bread stuffed with cheese and potatoes, or cabbage and carrots, or apples. We had two of each kind, and lots of good 'ol house wine as well.

My host mom coming into my room to light my 'soba'. The soba is the small fireplace in that keeps me warm in these cold Moldovan nights.

Moving around or adding wood to the soba.

Thats me next to the soba.... "ok enough with the soba pictures already" you say? Okay, okay, i just really love my soba, and I'm proud that now i just go out, get wood, and start up my own soba fire when i get cold. I'm all growns up in Moldova.